Bug Club

19th December 2014

We would like to remind you all about the wonderful world of Bug Club!

Bug Club is an online reading resource we subscribe to as a school and is essentially an online library holding hundreds of books that your child can access, free of charge, at home. It has been running in Sacred Heart for just over a year now and has proved very popular so far.

As well as having lots of fun and engaging reading material, with books by Julia Donaldson and Michael Rosen available, there are many interactive features to Bugclub which will help your child develop their comprehension skills. When ‘Bugs’ appear on a page, children must answer a question correctly to collect Bugs and complete a book, ensuring understanding is secure.

We are launching Bugclub again in school and in preparation for this we would like your child to use Bugclub over the Christmas break. This week your child will be given a bookmark with the school ID and their individual username and password on, which are all of the details they need to access Bugclub.

The website is www.bugclub.co.uk

Thank-you very much and we hope you have a great, restful Christmas break.